Kadaknath Chicken: A Near Mythical Chicken

Kadaknath Chicken

Kadaknath chickens have attained an almost mythical reputation in the parts of India they originate from. This is largely attributed to a unique characteristic of their appearance, one that is extremely rare in chickens. Although their existence had not garnered much attention before, they have come to the world’s attention in a big way in … Read more

ISA Brown Chickens: History, Eggs, & Care

ISA Brown Chicken

The ISA Brown has been around for just over 40 years, a short period of time compared to other chicken breeds and even some hybrids. However, it has already established itself globally as one of the best layers available. Unlike other chicken breeds you may have heard of, the development of the ISA Brown was … Read more

Cinnamon Queen Chicken: A Layer You Can Hug

Cinnamon Queen

Highly productive, docile, and relatively hardy, Cinnamon Queen chickens have many things going for them. This is why they are highly recommended for beginners to backyard chicken keeping. Cinnamon Queens are not a heritage breed and are even younger than many well-known hybrids. However, the popularity of these chickens has been rising so fast that … Read more

Sebright Chicken: An Old Beauty that Continues to Impress

Sebright Chicken

Despite their diminutive stature, Sebright Chickens have a towering reputation, one that goes back all the way to the end of the 18th century. Despite not being the most utilitarian breed, these birds have remained popular throughout their existence. The plumage, size, and posture of the Sebright chicken are all striking. The combination of these … Read more

20 Unique Chicken Run Ideas for Your Flock

Most chicken breeds love to explore their surroundings while foraging for food. But this can prove difficult with all the land and aerial predators lurking around. Luckily, there’s an effective way to keep your chicken safe while allowing them to run around outdoors. You just need to build a chicken run. A chicken run is … Read more

What Are Rooster Spurs? Should You Remove Them

what are rooster spurs

In a free-range flock of chickens, the rooster spurs are among the deadliest weapons in the rooster’s arsenal against threats. Depending on which side of the conflict you reside in, the spurs are majestic tools or wickedly mean-looking nuisances. The bony leg structure makes a rooster fearsome in any cockfight. As much as a hard-fierce … Read more

Do Chickens Fart? Yes & 5 Reasons

do chickens fart

Let’s be honest — In a world teeming with incredible creatures, not many of them come close to the awe-inspiring cluckers occupying our backyard coops. Chickens are undisputably charming in a multitude of ways. From the early-morning cock-a-doodle-doos and the rhythmic flapping of the wings to the allure exuded in their magnificent plumage, there’s so … Read more