17 Ways To Keep Hawks Away from Chickens

how to keep hawks away from chickens

Are hawks constantly hunting and killing your chicken? Or are you interested in effective ways to deter these birds from your home? Hawks, like other birds of prey, can hamper your poultry production efforts significantly. Not only do they prey on chicks, but can also transmit diseases to poultry and humans. Even worse, they can … Read more

Phoenix Chicken Breed Profile: Unleashing the Beauty

phoenix chicken

Perhaps you’re considering adding a phoenix chicken to your backyard flock, or maybe you are just one of the curious minds eager to learn something about this long-tailed chicken breed. Either way, you’re in the right place. In our today’s expedition, we’ll take a deep dive into this ornamental chicken breed, keenly examining their ins … Read more

Does it Hurt When a Chicken Lays an Egg?

does it hurt chickens to lay eggs

If you’ve ever looked at a large egg and imagined it must have hurt the chicken to lay it, you’re not the only one. As far back as Roman times, humans wondered just how much pain chickens experience when laying eggs. This is a sensible concern because egg-laying is a chicken’s equivalent of giving birth … Read more

Can Chickens Swim? Better than We Realize

can chickens swim

A chicken is one of those animals you don’t associate with water. We couldn’t imagine ducks or geese without also thinking of a water body, but it seems like a chicken could go its entire life without coming close to a puddle. For chicken owners living next to a pond or lake, or those with … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Apples (Cores, Peels, Seeds)?

can chickens eat apples

The apple tree is the most widespread fruit tree throughout most of the world, and its fruits have a long history of use as folk medicine. It is considered that the apple is the queen of health, and the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is completely justified! When apples are fully … Read more

Bantam Cochins: Breed that Needs Special Care

Bantam Cochins

The origins and even status of the bantam cochin breed might be obscure and up for debate, but they’re wonderful birds that are fun to keep and that are capable of showing their owners plenty of affection. They might not be very useful for meat or eggs, but they make excellent pets – and in … Read more

Jubilee Orpington: A Chicken Fit for Royalty

jubilee orpington

Any variant of the Orpington chicken breed is going to be a showstopper, but the Jubilee Orpington takes things to a different level. You may not have seen a Jubilee Orpington yet but you’re unlikely to forget these lovable beauties if you ever do. Perhaps the most surprising thing about Jubilee Orpingtons is that they … Read more

Delaware Chicken Profile: Origins, Meat, Eggs & Care

delaware chicken

One of the strangest things about Delaware chickens is you may be hard-pressed to find farmers who know much about them. Despite being a heritage breed with very good qualities, Delaware chickens were not a big part of backyard flocks at their peak. This American chicken breed played a key role in the establishment of … Read more