Why Is My Chicken Losing Feathers? 10 Causes & Solutions

chickens losing feathers

Chickens losing feathers is not something uncommon, especially in late summer-autumn (as sunlight exposure falls). However, if the feather loss appears unusual, it could be a sign of serious health problems, like gut or kidney infections. Because of this, it’s crucial to understand the potential causes of chickens losing feathers and how to address them. … Read more

5 Chicken Diapers DIY Solutions You Can Try

chicken diaper diy

Chicken diapers are a great way of keeping your birds indoors without having to worry about the mess they’ll make. Buying a diaper is good but making one might be even better and cheaper. If someone saw you putting a diaper on a chicken 50 or 70 years ago, they would have concluded that you … Read more

How Much Coop & Run Space Do Chickens Need?

how much space do chickens need

If you’ve decided to start keeping backyard chickens, you’re at the beginning of an exciting and rewarding journey. Not only will your birds give you a steady supply of eggs, but they will also give you endless hours of entertainment with their idiosyncratic antics. However, to keep your chickens healthy and productive, an important consideration … Read more

Mystic Maran Chicken: Origins, Eggs & Care

mystic maran chicken

Are you looking to introduce a new chicken breed to your flock? Well, look no further than the Mystic Maran Chicken. Popular for its incredibly dark brown or chocolate eggs, this breed is a must-have for poultry enthusiasts across the world. The Mystic Marans has a captivating appearance that will add a sense of beauty … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Cabbage?

can chickens eat cabbage

There are hundreds and hundreds of vegetables you can feed your chickens. But are all of them beneficial for the flock? Just because chickens are omnivores doesn’t mean every and single veggie should be on their menu, right? So it’s useful to ask questions like, can chickens eat cabbage, broccoli, or peppers? You never know … Read more

Top 11 Gray Chicken Breeds: With 38 Approved Breeds

grey chickens

There are only five recognized varieties of actual gray chickens. It may sound strange, considering how many chickens have grayish coloration, but the reality is that not all gray-looking chickens are gray. That is because the genetic markers for gray chickens aren’t as expressed as other colors. The common primary genetic colors found in chicken … Read more

Top 11 Blue Chicken Breeds: With 38 Approved Breeds

There are over 50 different breeds of blue chickens spread across the world. However, less than 40 of them are included in the American Poultry Association and other associations for poultry standards. Blue chicken breed numbers grow daily since many variants are bred frequently, giving rise to new versions. Many variations exist, some having solid … Read more

Why Do Roosters Crow? How Do They Keep Time?

Roosters Crowing

Roosters can be helpful in keeping hens safe, and if you want to hatch your own chicks, keeping at least one rooster is essential. However, the main problem with roosters – apart from their occasional aggressivity towards humans – is the noise they make. So in this post, we have all the info you need … Read more